
Game Art Collection

To take part, simply send your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Monday 2 October 2017. Your project could be chosen to be presented at the Game Art exhibition, organized by the Secretariat General for Media and Communication of the Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media at the Athens Games Festival. For 3 days, digital game developers will participate in an exhibition devoted to the creativity and imagination of 2D artists and musicians from all over the world.

The projects to be presented at the Athens Games Festival will be chosen by a special committee of professionals on the basis of each project’s technical excellence, originality and creativity.

Game Art Collection 2017 Theme

Superheroes of Greece
Superman was from Kansas, Batman was from Gotham City, Spiderman was from New York. But who could or would be the Superheroes of Greece? In a Greek version of the well-known action-adventure game, Batman: Arkham Asylum, who would be the hero and who the villain? What would their superpowers be? How would the fight go between hero and villain? What kind of music would accompany the action?


  • All entries should be original and unpublished works (not published in any media: magazine, newspaper blog, social media, website etc up to and including the deadline for submission of entries). The work should be in 2D or musical form.
  • Each entry must be submitted by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Each candidate may submit up to a maximum of 2 projects
  • Every entry should creatively exploit the theme of the exhibition whilst refraining from disturbing political and religious beliefs
  • Each 2D art entry must be sent in a 50x70 or 70x50 printable format (high resolution, 300dpi, jpeg). 2D projects should be designed on the computer (to a minimum of 90%), with reference to the software used (Photoshop, Krita, Corel Painter etc).
  • Each musical theme must be in WAV or MP3 320 kbps format and have a minimum duration of 30 seconds
  • Each entry must include the name of the creator and the title of the project
  • Entries will be evaluated by a committee set up specifically for that purpose. The 12 entries that will be selected from each category (24 in total) will participate in the Athens Games Festival 2017. If one category fails to be filled, the other category will be proportionally increased



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Ιllustrator, storyboard artist & 2d game animator, Thanos Tsilis. 
Having grown up in Greece, Thanos had to be extremely versatile to survive as a professional artist in such a small market. 
Since 2001, Thanos has worked as an animator for 2d animated movies, he has drawn comics and has created countless storyboards for the Greek advertising industry. 
Moreover, he has worked for casual games and entertainment applications. 
In recent years Thanos also illustrates children's books, a process that he finds particularly enjoyable! 
You can learn more about his work Houndworx:








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Music composer & Sound Designer, Vicky Fysika.

Vicky completed her studies in Music Technology and Acoustics at the Higher Technological Institute of Crete, Department of Rethymno and got her degrees in Music Theory, Harmony and Music Counterpoint.

Before following a career working on games, she worked as a music composer for movies, documentaries, theatrical plays, radio and TV spots and animation films.

In 2010 she made her first attempt in scoring for video games in order to present the game “Darkverse” with friend and current associate Nick Larin for Athens Digital Week. After that, she worked on the “Darkfall Unholy Wars” game as an In-house Music Composer and sound designer for 3 years.

She has composed music for several published games (PC, mobile) such as the award winning “Goo Saga”, “Chubby Cat & the Catcakes”, “Electro Pong”, “The Bait”, “Dos mou to heri sou”. 

She has participated in many Global Game Jam with great success. Some of the games she built during the Game Jams are “Inner World”, “Candy Bandit”, “Robogination”, “Bill Hill VS Aliens”, “Amphipolis - The Return of the Great”, “Event Horizon”.

She is the lead singer of the band C.O.D.E which has done multiple releases. Furthermore, she co-produced the Global Game Jam Rethymno in 2016.
Currently, she is working at Pinnatta Games on their next title, alongside with her side project Pixel Reign, working on theis game “Robbie Swifthand and the Orb of Mysteries”, soon to be released.


costis papatheodorouCostis Papatheodorou is a freelance illustrator with 11 years experience in commercial illustration. He often travels on his personal pumpkin for business and volcanic reasons.
When the southern wind blows his nails turn to glass and his moustache becomes blue. He is into papercut and other mixed techniques like Karate-waterpaint.

Born in 1981, he is married and father of 11 children, all of which have different father and mother. His 3 cats call him Archibald for no apparent reason. When he is happy he dances with no arms. He died on 2014.

Two years later he started doing portraits and caricatures.










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