
HAMAC Mobile Games Contest

HAMAC Mobile Games Contest @ Athens GAmes Festival


Only 10 years ago consumers played games primarily using the PC and TV screen. The games market is now, per definition, a global playground. Online connectivity allows companies to localize and launch games anywhere on the planet. In this respect, it is imperative to highlight and promote all efforts towards this direction.


The Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies (HAMAC), supports and promotes these efforts that target to innovative entrepreneurship, aim to turnaround Brain Drain to Brain Gain and give an optimistic view to all the young entrepreneurs who begin their first attempts in the mobile sector.


Join us to present your mobile games ideas, taking part at the same time in the 1st International Games Business Conference in Greece that will bring together industry professionals, stakeholders, publishers and the media.


The Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies

The Hellenic Association of Mobile Applications Companies (HAMAC) – is an industry association representing a vibrant sector of more than 70 high-tech companies whose activities include the development of added value mobile applications, the provision of added value services for telecommunication providers, the provision of innovative communication, content and application services.

HAMAC comes to conjoin all the companies of the mobile sector in a mutual target: the promotion of cooperation towards globalization.

Our goal is to represent innovative, ambitious and pioneer Greek enterprises in mobile apps sector, having as a vision the extroversion of the sector which can bring financial growth in the country and can diffuse specialized knowledge.

Εvaluation Procedure of “HAMAC Mobile Games Contest”

HAMAC will grant the following awards for the first three teams to be distinguished:


  1. a) Participation in the Greek pavilion at the biggest event of digital communication, Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018, February 26 - March 1, Barcelona, Spain. The first team distinguished will be participating with its own booth and the two others will be presenting at the Greek pavilion. The Greek delegation will be organized for the 6th consecutive year by HAMAC.
  2. b) The distinguished teams will have the opportunity to receive a free membership at HAMAC for the first 2 years.

Evaluation Committee

The evaluation committee will be constituted by :

  1. Konstantinos Haniotis, Chairman HAMAC and CEO Telenavis
  2. George Markatatos, HAMAC Member of BoD andι CEO Regate
  3. Joseph Psistakis, CEO Eyelead (HAMAC member company)
  4. Alexandra Choli, Partner, Metavallon Venture Capital
  5. Kostas Karpouzis, Research Director at Institute of Communication and Computer Systems - National Technical University of Athens

To apply, complete the following application form here:

DEADLINE is October 25!


The winners will be announced at a special ceremony on Sunday, October 29 at the Athens Games festival to be held in HELEXPO Maroussi Exhibition Centre.



Konstantinos Haniotis is holding an MSc in Economics & Development from London School of Economics. He started his career as Investment Banker, in ETVA & Eurobank. He established and he is the Managing Director of Telenavis, since 2000. He has participated in a number of projects in GIS and ITS, in Greece and Europe during the last 17 years. He is member of Board of Directors in ITS Hellas, member of the European Union organization ERTICO. He is also member of Board of Directors of ILME, the Greek Institute for Logistics and Management, member of the European Logistics Association (ELA) and Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies (HAMAC), the Greek Association of Companies that provide software for the Mobile devices and the WEB.

George Markatatos is Founder and CEO at Regate S.A, established in 2004. He is active in the ΙΤ sector since 1995. He is holding a BSc in Computer Science from Southampton University (1995-1998), an MSc in Operational Research from Warwick University (1998-1999), while he achieved recently an ΜΑ in Innovation and Change from York University (2013-2015). He is been actively involved in Enterprise Mobility sector since 2000, with specialization in Mobile CRM solutions, Sales Force Automation, Invoicing on Site, as well as in Field Marketing/Merchandising. He has been writing articles in magazines about news and trends of Enterprise Mobility. He was born in Paris in 1977, he is proud father of 3 kids and is fanatically collecting computers made between 1970-1990. His company is member at the Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies (HAMAC) since 2012 and he is currently member of the Board of Directors.

Joseph Psistakis is the co-founder of Eyelead Software, a software development company with a focus on games technologies and 3D graphics, established in 2007. He holds a Computer Engineering degree and an MSc in Computer Science from the Computer Engineering and Informatics department of the University of Patras. As the CTO at Eyelead, Joseph has overseen the development of Hive3D, a live-editing, cross-architecture game production platform. He has worked with companies such as Qualcomm and Lenovo in designing and producing mobile and web-based games. He has been the photography director for the dome movie “Evolution”, in collaboration with the Eugenides Foundation, bringing game technologies to film-making. Furthermore, he has worked as a designer and consultant in several software projects, including serious games productions, tourism platforms, mixed reality and visualization applications. Born in Athens in 1981, he is an avid science-fiction reader, electronica composer and the keyboardist of a post-punk rock band. His company is a founding member of the Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies and the Gaming Innovation Cluster.

Alexandra Choli is a Partner at Metavallon VC. She is a creative venturer, committed advisor and active investor, passionate about growing very early stage technology companies. She was the Founder of, a model social enterprise that spearheaded the formation of the startup ecosystem in Greece and Founder of Metavallon Ventures Limited, a micro-fund that pioneered pre-seed investments in the country. Prior to Metavallon, she worked in operations, management and business development at several early-stage & small-to medium-sized businesses, both for-profit and non-profit, in Greece, UK, United States, Nicaragua and India. Alexandra holds a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from University College London and a Master of Business Administration from New York University Stern School of Business, where she specialized in entrepreneurship, social innovation, and strategy.

Kostas Karpouzis is Research Director at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Greece. His research interests lie in the areas of human computer interaction, emotion understanding, affective and natural interaction, serious games and games based assessment and learning. Since 1998 he has participated in fifteen research projects at Greek and European level; most notably the Humaine Network of Excellence, within which he completed his post-doc in the field of mapping signals to signs of emotion, and the FP7 TeL Siren project (Technical Manager), which was voted Best Learning Game in Europe for 2013 by the Games and Learning Alliance Network of Excellence. He is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (formerly Humaine Association) and the Student Activities Chair for IEEE Greece. He is also a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (Springer), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer) and Journal on Synthetic Emotions. Beyond research, he is a regular columnist and blogger at, the leading Greek science communication website, a former finalist and member of the jury for Famelab Greece and member of the jury for Global Game Jam Greece.


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