
Nordic Game Discovery Contest

Nordic Game Discovery Contest @ Athens Game Festival
Building on fifteen years of running major successful events in the games industry, including several live-pitching events, selection processes and support systems, Nordic Game introduced the Discovery Contest last year - an exciting, competitive challenge where selected game projects are showcased at live-pitch events in several countries.

Now in our second season, NGDC partners with regional games industry conferences across Europe throughout the year to discover the most promising games with the best potential for becoming global hits. These “qualifying round” winners will go on to compete for “Game of the Year” in the NGDC Finals at Nordic Game 2018, 23-25 May in Malmö, Sweden.

Developers, why should you participate?
With thousands of new titles released each year, the competition to get noticed is fiercer than ever. Joining the NGDC gives you a shot at getting your game discovered. Just by submitting your game to the contest, a string of experts - publishers, investors, journalists, prominent game designers and other industry profiles - will see your work and should your team be chosen to pitch live on stage, you’ll be sure to attract the attention of industry professionals in the audience as well.

On stage you’ll pitch to an expert jury, as well as a live audience. After your pitch, the jury will ask questions and provide feedback about your game. If you win your qualifying round, you’ll go on to the NGDC Finals at NG18 next May. If you take the final “Game of the Year” award in Malmö, you’ll also win some nice prizes and extend your visibility globally.

NGDC Tour 2017-2018 (Season Two)
DevPlay - September 2017, Bucharest, Romania
GameOn - September 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania
Northern Game Summit - October 2017, Kajaani, Finland
Sweden Game Conference – October 2017, Skövde, Sweden
Athens Games Festival - October 2017, Athens, Greece
Game DevCamp - November 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
Games Factory - November 2017, Chisinau, Moldova
AzPlay - November 2017, Bilbao, Spain
NM i Gameplay – January 2018, Oslo, Norway
Ludicious – January 2018, Zürich, Schweiz
Dubai Game Conference, April 2018, Dubai, Emirates
Reboot Develop - April 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Nordic Game Jam, April 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
(More events to be announced)

For developers not able to join events on the NGDC tour, a number of wildcards will once again be chosen through an online submission process.
(Details for 2018 Wildcard submission to be announced)

Nordic Game 2018, 23-25 May in Malmö, Sweden

Are you developing, or have you already developed a game that deserves more attention than it’s received so far? Are you attending one of the events on the NGDC Tour? If so, submit your game, and prepare to go on stage for a qualifying round - and maybe all the way to the NGDC Finals!

Get your game discovered
As a finalist, a shot at some great prizes
Meet potential partners and investors among the companies following the contest
2 full conference passes for NG18
Unlimited access to the NG18 Meet To Match system
A complimentary table in the NG18 Game Discovery Showcase Area (25 May)

Application, terms and conditions

1.To apply, complete the following application form and send it to us at Nordic Game:


DEADLINE is October 13!


A) The application form must be used and submitted in English
B) No parts of the form may be removed or reformatted
C) The application must be submitted to Nordic Game before the given deadline
D) The applicant must own or control the intellectual property rights to the game submitted
E) You will receive a confirmation email two weeks prior to the event if you’ve made the cut

2. Games on any platform, developed by any company or single person can participate, but:
A) Only one person can go on stage and pitch
B) You must have a working demo of your game to show
C) No illegal or plagiarised content in your game (such as trademarked content, etc.)
D) Your company is financially stable (no threat of liquidation or bankruptcy exists)

3. Regarding the live pitch:
A) You’ll have five minutes to convince the judges that your game is the one that deserves to be discovered the most, so prepare well:
What’s the concept or purpose of the game? Which features make your game unique? What’s your game’s business model, and why?
There are many ways to pitch, so think about which method you’ll use, for example video trailer, a live gameplay demonstration, slide show, etc.

B) After your five minute pitch, the judges will have five minutes to ask you questions based on your presentation. Be prepared for this as well!

C) In a ceremony following the competition, the winners and runner-ups will be announced

4. Rating criteria:
The expert panel will look at how well your game plays; features, modes and controls, as well as how appealing and enjoyable the game seems.
They will also judge your game’s graphics, layout, sound, music and overall look; how unique the game is, as well as what makes it standout in terms of story, gameplay, features, controls, etc.
And not least: They’ll judge you on how well you pitch your game as well!

Note: All submitted projects will be reviewed. The selected projects will be informed directly in the weeks following the application deadline, including further instructions regarding the event.

Good luck!

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